

DAY ONE is a highly-skilled working group: It is comprised of professionals in communications and the arts, partnered with organisations to promote and develop cultural projects. DAY ONE was conceived with the idea to promote artistic mobility around Europe and beyond.

Our objective is offer everyone the possibility of taking part in an Italian artistic experience through participation in popular festivals or cultural events, or creating new formulas tailored to the individual artist. What is important for us is to understand the individuality of every single artist and to offer a unique and unforgettable experience.

Our Mission:
improving the quality and variety of cultural services by exploiting the potential of networking and social media.

Develop a new concept of communication in the cultural sector through online services and to create a new style in the organization.

Young: a young and female business idea
Easy: fastest formulas in negotiation and organization by using the Web
Social: modern communication strategies through the social media marketing
Green: Breaking down the costs of traditional activities by using the Web and offering online services, therefore we propose a “sustainable culture”

citta in cui ti trovi ora?: 